Several thoughts come into mind when considering replacement needs.

Undoubtedly, cost remains at the top of everyone’s list. With so much stuff to replace, one thing often remains behind the curtain: our garage doors. It’s time we know how outdated garage doors negatively impact our home’s resale value.

But what’s the cost to replace a garage door? And what should you know about the installation? Read along to find your answers!

How Will You Decide between Garage Door Installation and Repair?

In some cases, regular maintenance is enough for a long-lasting garage door. However, the need for a repair or replacement may arise at times. And here’s the question: “How will you decide between the two?” Here are the factors to consider.

Signs of Aging: Most garage doors can stay intact for 30 years with proper maintenance. However, they will likely age sooner or later. With constant elemental exposure, the parts of your garage door can warp or crack. That ultimately leads to wear and tear and demands garage door installation.

The extent of Damage: Noticing the extent of damage helps you decide between repair and replacement. You can fix issues like peeling paint with minor repairs. However, severe damage like that due to a storm or vehicle would demand a replacement.

Safety Considerations: Any defect in your heavy garage door can cause two primary safety concerns:

1. Faulty doors can injure you and your dear ones

2. They invite the possibility of break-ins.

Hard to Close or Open: A garage door installation becomes the right choice when your garage door is difficult to open and close.

Enhancing the Curb Appeal: You can have a better ROI by upgrading to a new garage door.

Looking at Energy Bills: If your garage door lacks proper sealing and insulation and energy bills begin to rise, go for replacement.

What Factors Can Impact the Cost of Replace Garage Door?

You might be wondering about the cost of replacing the garage door. Well, two main factors affect the price:

1. Labor

2. Replacement materials

Furthermore, many other factors decide the overall price of garage door

replacement. Here are some of these:

  • Size of the garage
  • Garage door style and material
  • Customization, resizing, or insulation

Replacement experts usually consider per-project costs. That includes the labor, door, hardware, and tracks. Any electrical installation or structural tweaks would demand a permit.

What are the Various Garage Door Types to Consider?

The Budget-Friendly Options

Single Panel and Multi Hinge Doors: The most affordable garage door.

Single Panel without Hinges: Another budget-friendly option.

Roll-Up Doors: Contains numerous steel horizontal sheets and has a decent pricing.

The Expensive Styles

French Doors: They open in the outward direction and are quite expensive.

Glass Roll-Up Doors: They consist of multiple, upward folding aluminum and glass panels. They are expensive and very aesthetic.

Carriage Doors: They are the most expensive within and out-swinging mechanism.

Walk-Through Doors: They consist of a pedestrian door into the main door.

Is DIY a Good Decision for Garage Door Installation?

As garage door installation requires experience and labor, it’s better to avoid DIY and rely on professionals. One must carefully handle these heavy doors.

Moreover, one should pay attention to the opener’s position, proper track installation and other details.

Your One-Stop Shop for Professional Garage Door Services

As we have seen, many factors determine the cost of replacing garage doors. Now, timely replacement always saves you money in the long run. So, if you need a complete garage door service, ERIC Garage Door Repair has you covered. Our same day installation and repair services will take care of your satisfaction.